Wednesday, August 11, 2021

what do old ladies gang about?

 if I was in an old lady scooter gang with shutter shades skating about the suburbs in our jumpsuits, what would I gang about?

Why are gangs even a thing in the first place?  It's like a tribe of people protecting themselves and trying to gain assertion amongst a location.  So as a geriatric lassie, I want to hoard or save something old people like.

Old people like Matlock, Backgammon, and Wii Sports.  

Oh my god, imagine a world like Matlock but they have fight all of their battles using Wii Sports!  And if the person doesn't have a charged Wii, then they have play backgammon!  And it follow this one grandma that's like oh vey, I am so good at backgammon, but my Wii Bowling score is only a 45.  I can't even get a spare!  dun dun dun And then queue an epic anime beginning sequence dun dun dun

Then we come to find out that grandma's sick of Georgette Hinkle always stealing her spot at Crafts!  She always gets the best flowers for her vases.  This is unorthodox!  So Grandma is like hey Georgette I challenge you to a duel.  Then they duel it out on Wii Sports.  Grandma picks Wii Tennis.  The game is tough and full of cliche sitcom hijinks, including Grandma losing her hearing aid.  Grandma wins.  But then they play Wii Bowling.  Round after round, Georgette hit those bowling pins like battleships.  So, hit, hit, hit, miss.  

But remember, Grandma only bowls like a 35.  So in the most boring game of Wii Bowling, Grandma loses.  It's 1-1!  What shall we do?

Backgammon it is!  They begin to start playing backgammon.  And midway through the game, all of a sudden, a wild Matlock appears holding a hot dog,  He says "Matlock, Matlock, wait ahem, Grandma Witherton, He then takes a bite of the hot dog.  There's an awkward silence while everyone is waiting for his old ass to chew this damn. hot dog.  What sane person starts a sentence and then takes a fucking bite.  Rude.  So Matlock is finally done chewing, then he's like "Grandma Witherton, do you know a man named Grandpa?  And Grandma is like no bitch, I don't know no Grandpa.  Do you think that because my name is Grandma that I'd be with a guy named Grandpa.  That is so namist.

And then Matlock grumbles a little because he remembers that Dan Knotts is neighbor, and is like "Grandma, I know about your associations with the BGG."  And Grandma is like "I don't associate with their likes so much anymore."  And then Matlock is like, I know you orchestrated Grandpa's death.  If you don't find out who did it then I'm reporting you the authorities.  What a fucking dick, after he wasted all of that time...chewing.  Ewww.

So Grandma has to call one of her associates, Dolores, to figure out a plan.  Her and Dolores meet at bingo at 5PM on the dot. They find seats in the back and notice another friend at bingo.

At bingo, Dolores and Grandma discuss the death of Grandpa.  They talk about how the feel when they saw the dead body.  Before they can talk further, the other friend shows up.

whew that's it I'm done being creative today.

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