Sunday, August 8, 2021

Also one more thing!

 This material all on this website, EVERYWHERE, is patent pending of Courtney Up which with a *asterisk can be said the owner of this domain who's name is not mentioned on this website but in the domain registry is the owner of this material so if any piece of scum wants to come here and steal my material be warned I have this shit registered and I will come for you if I find you taking my stuff.  Give credit due, I'd credit you if I thought something you said was thought provoking.

I'm looking at you, middle aged white man feeling sorry for himself because he doesn't have any self-esteem because society is all one big son of a bitch.  Why the fuck should we all just sit here and endlessly show off to each other?  Who fucking cares?

You know what ruined everything, people realizing what time is.  The only reason why we measure ANYTHING in this world is because of time.  Because we live in this limited construct, we have to gaggle and babble every fucking inch of everything.

Because we all have our own fucking priorities.  If I had to describe my saga in the terms of a nordic long epic poem, it would be becoming a traveling comedic bard like that dude in "The Witcher".  And he's always hanging out with Geralt and they talk about video games.  And the bard dude is always giving Geralt shit for like being awkward and making terrible life decisions that still to this day do not understand but you do you Geralt.

On this same subject, why the fuck does everyone want to be a princess?  That would be the most boring job ever!  You have to marry some guy who's genetics are so inbred...on purpose...for 1000s of years...imagine connecting your genetic code with an old crusty ass chromosomes.  And the helixes are all touching each other....yuuuccckkkkk.

OMG I need the mental image out of my head.  

Let's go back talking about Cour-ten-ney.  It's my nordic epic poem saga that doesn't suck like Beowulf.  My way better version has some epic duckwalk battles featuring the House of Balmain.   And less toxic masculinity.  And the dragon gets to eat the King.  And then I get to transfer all of the dragon's money into my bank account.  We have a massive party but it's for non-hoarders only.  Then Jeff Bezos shows up.  Then I'm like "hey Scrooge McLuther, get your Amazon Basic ass out of here! It says Non-Hoarders Only."  Then there's a musical number when Jeff Bezos and I have a duet to talk about sharing in which by the end of it he ends up malfunctioning because the thought of sharing is just preposterous.  Which then all of his money is then taken by the US Government to be used for military spending.  The End.

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